How to say Russian Easter phrases

As we’ve written previously, the Russian word for Easter is taken from Greek and is Пасха (“pahsh-ka”), so today we’re going to link to one of my favourite places to learn and listen to correctly spoken Russian:

In lesson 5 of the free lessons, you learn how recognize and correctly speak some of the more common phrases used in Easter services. The link to this lesson is here:

Let’s practice. The most common phrase is Христос воскрес! (Chris-TOS vas-KRES) Literally that means, “Christ is risen!”

The signs proclaim Христос воскрес! Christ has risen! (photo: Tatyana Alekseeva Shino)

Whether Христос воскрес (Christ is risen) is said as a greeting from one person to another or when in a service is shouted by the priest, the congregation responds with Воистину воскрес (va-IST-in-oo vas-KRES) which means “truly risen!.”

Easter liturgy inside a Russian village church. (photo: Tatyana Alekseeva Shino)

Another greeting is c Пасхой (SPAS-khee), literally meaning “with Easter.” It could be also understood as “with Christ” or “with Christ’s resurrection at Easter.” In historic Christianity the early Orthodox church understood that the only way to participate personally in the hope of resurrection was to be “with” or “in” Christ. To be found outside of Christ, outside of the resurrection, was to be without hope in eternal life.

So as we approach the final days of holy week, the Mendeleyev Journal extends the faithful greeting to those who have ears to hear.

Христос воскрес! (Christ is risen)

Воистину воскрес! (Truly risen)