Russian Cuisine: In the Kitchen

In this series of posts you’ll find some of the most popular Russian and Ukrainian recipes as we help you enjoy “Russian cuisine: In the Kitchen.” Naturally we will also include great dishes from around the former Soviet republics, especially dishes from Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, etc.

Copyright: the Mendeleyev Journal

Click each link below for more topics and photos:

Main Dishes

Meal Traditions and Etiquette

Russian Black Bread

Cakes and desserts

Russian Salads

Russian Tea

Russian Soups

Blini and pelmeni

Very quickly we’ll start with a few terms:

кухня kitchen
блюдце saucer
вилка fork
кастрюля saucepan
кофемолка coffee grinder
ложка spoon
нож knife
плита stove
посуда crockery
раковина sink
сковорода frying pan
салфетка napkin
скатерть tablecloth
стакан glass
тарелка plate
тёрка grater
холодильник refrigerator
чайник cattle
чашка cup

We will add more terms and phrases as we go along, but to learn how to correctly speak these, here is the link where the author of that list, a Russian speaking woman, will pronounce them for you correctly.

Pay special attention to where she places the stress–getting the stress properly in Russian will make the difference as to whether you say can be understood by a Russian speaker. (public domain image)

The Mendeleyev Journal pages on Russian foods includes outstanding recipes for memorable main dishes, the large variety of salads which are the mainstay of any Russian table, delicious soups, and the bread/desserts which make Russian food so popular.


From the time of Catherine the Great, every family of influence imported both the products and personnel—mainly German, Austrian, and French—to bring the finest, rarest, and most creative foods to their table. This is nowhere more evident than in the exciting, elegant, highly nuanced, and decadent repertoire of the Franco-Russian chef. Many of the foods that are considered in the West to be traditionally Russian actually come from the Franco-Russian cuisine of the 18th and 19th centuries, and include such widespread dishes as Veal Orloff, Beef Stroganoff, and Chicken Kiev.


2 thoughts on “Russian Cuisine: In the Kitchen

  1. Pingback: A taste of Russia with Andrew Zimmern of the Travel Channel « The Mendeleyev Journal

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